What We Do at Base Camp

Base Camp skills are based on the Scout curriculum

Scouting is a character education curriculum. It is delivered by parents who work together to help raise each other’s kids. The way those parents and their community organization deliver the program is unique to that group of parents. As an organization, we provide the curriculum and the resources for the parents to deliver their unique program.  To help families “see” the curriculum and the resources available to them we’ve re-organized curriculum by skill topic.  (rather than by age / program / geography or season)

By looking at the curriculum and resources through this lens its easier to see the core curriculum and BROAD range of elective skills.  The list of specific activities below are either Cub Scout Adventures or Merit Badges. Through this arrangement it is clear, the elements of the curriculum are consistent from Kindergarten through seniors in high school.

Open the accordion boxes to see all the programs

Age appropriate activities for children 5 – 10 (Cubs)

Age appropriate activities for children 11 – 17 (Scouts)

Individual Scouting Experience – Just as each troop creates their own schedule and develops their own unique program based on the curriculum, so to are Scouts encouraged to create their own unique learning experience. Scouts choose their elective badges and focus on various aspects of the curriculum. The Scouting organization provides opportunities for all Scouts to pursue the entire curriculum.

Core Curriculum - The activities that are found to most effectively help develop character, citizenship and wellness make up the core curriculum. Therefore, those activities are directly related to all rank advancement.

Specialties- By combining Core Curriculum and selecting individual areas of interests, Scouts can earn a Scouting a “specialty” or “minor” to go along with their Eagle Rank. So, one Scout in a given troop could earn their Eagle with a minor in technology, by earning all the technology badges while another Eagle Scout from the same troop could earn a minor as a Global Citizen or the environment.


Accordion Key

*= Core Curriculum (these skills are required to advance)

Yellow = Lion

Orange = Tiger

Red = Wolf

Blue = Bear

Green = Webelos Scout


Because the Cub Scout titles are named to attract the interest of elementary school children, sometime the subject matter isn’t clear. In those instances, we’ve put the subject matter in parenthesis.